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Sales of KRAV-certified products increased 15 per cent

Sales of KRAV-certified products in shops increased by 15 per cent in 2013 compared to 2012. For all organic products in all sectors the increase was 13 per cent. Fruit, vegetables and meat are among the categories that increased the most. This and much more is presented in KRAV’s market report, which is released today.

KRAV’s annual market report gives a unique and broad presentation of the market for organic and KRAV-certified products. It shows among other things that the value of sales of organic everyday commodities continued to increase in 2013, for example:

  • Bergendahls +6.2 per cent
  • Coop +3 per cent
  • Ica +16 per cent

Year 2013 was great for sales of KRAV labelled as well as organic products in general. Sales were slow at the beginning of the year but the rate increased and in the last quarter demand rose far above expectations, said Johan Cejie, Sales Manager at KRAV.

Sales of KRAV labelled products in grocery stores increased both in volume (number of packages) and value. The change in sales value of some product groups was:

  • meat, +23 per cent
  • fresh spices, +20 per cent
  • baby food, +17 per cent
  • eggs, +10 per cent
  • milk, +8 per cent

The increase is mainly driven by an increased consumer interest, said Johan Cejie, and continued:

In 2013 there were some highly publicised scandals regarding food at the same time as both commercial and non-profit organisations ran campaigns for organic food. It seems like a large group of people listened and acted, he said.

As well, in the restaurant and catering sector the two large wholesalers, Martin & Servera and Menigo, increased their sales by 18 per cent and 4 per cent respectively. The main explanation for the increase is still increased purchases by the public sector, but there was also increased interest from the general public.

  • Martin & Servera, value of organic sales: +18 per cent
  • Menigo, value of organic sales: +4 per cent

At the same time as demand is increasing it is also clear that change-over to organic farming in Sweden is not keeping up. Total KRAV-certified land area increased by two per cent and the area in conversion waiting to be certified decreased.

The whole report as a PDF as well as press photos are available on the KRAV website at http://www.krav.se/marknadsrapport2014

Johan Cejie, Sales Manager KRAV, 018 17 45 17
Kristin Cooper, Press Contact KRAV, 070 665 95 30


 Read more about KRAV: http://www.krav.se/english

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Försäljningen av KRAV-märkt ökade 15 procent

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